The overall objective of this report is to inform the US Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) community about the funding opportunities that are available at European Union (EU), Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) in a comprehensive way.
The report originally aimed to have the following components and data sources:
- EU Funding opportunities including H2020 2016-2017 Work Program topics that focuses on international cooperation as well as U.S. relevant themes;
- Member States and Associated Countries’ funding opportunities
- EU funding opportunities under H2020 Work Program 2016-2017 are made available in this report as well as on the BILAT USA4.0 web-site.
According to the search criteria that are relevant for the U.S. the following call topics are included in this document:
- one topic for Research Infrastructures (e-infrastructures),
- two topics under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Program
- one topic for Industrial leadership,
- 16 topics under societal challenges and
- one topic combining Societal Challenge and Industrial Leadership.
Additional information on funding opportunities offered by bilateral programs between MS/AC and the U.S. is currently being prepared by SFIC, based on the questionnaire results gathered from MS and AC and will be included in this document once publicly available.