BILAT USA 4.0 welcomes the new year by bringing to you its 2nd newsletter!
Don’t miss out the up-to-date information we have for you regarding research and innovation cooperation between the European Union and the United States.
Just like with our Newsletter #1, and our news & events sections of our website, we will continue to serve as an information platform for identifying cooperation opportunities and fostering transatlantic R&I cooperation.
Keep up to date on the news, developments and happenings in regard to EU-US science and innovation cooperation. For further information and register for e-newsletter please visit our website at:
We hope you are having a great start of the year.
Your BILAT USA 4.0 Consortium
New EU-U.S. Implementing Arrangement

On 17 October 2016 the European Commission and the US Government signed an agreement which facilitates cooperation between US organisations and Horizon 2020 participants. The aim of the agreement is to enable US researchers to cooperate with Horizon 2020 projects outside the framework of the grant agreement, and to increase cooperation in research projects.
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Progress Report on Internationalization Strategy and Multi-Annual Roadmaps
On 13.Oct. 2016 DG RTD published a report on progress in international cooperation in Research and Innovation. This report is accompanied by multi-annual-roadmaps outlining particular priorities for international key partner countries such as the US, where DG RTD will enhance the strong relationship they have already built. Both documents (see attachments) set the policy frame in which DG RTD acts for the next two years. They are a result of the internationalization strategy from 2012.
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International Ocean Governance: An Agenda for the Future of Our Oceans

The Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy adopted a Joint Communication proposing actions for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans. As a strong global actor, the European Union sets out an agenda for better ocean governance based on a cross-sectoral, rules-based international approach.
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EU-USA Interactive Locator Map

This map helps the user locate the closest EU Center of Excellence, EU information center, Member State consulates, and more in the US.
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Commissioner Pierre Moscovici delivers keynote speech at Harvard University’s Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies
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U.S.-EU Cyber Cooperation
The United States and the European Union work in close coordination on cyber-related issues both bilaterally and in multilateral fora
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Project Related Activities
U.S.-EU Workshop on Cooperation with the EU’s Framework Programs for Research and Innovation

On Jan. 11th, U.S. Department of State hosted a workshop on overview of the newly signed Implementing Arrangement (IA) between the U.S. Government and European Commission. This workshop will provide valuable insight into how the new IA will facilitate the participation of U.S. organizations in Horizon 2020 projects. This workshop will be hosted in partnership with AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and NCURA (National Council of University Research Administrators),
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The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting

will be held on January 8–12, 2017, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C. There are 29 sessions that feature some aspects of European transport research capacities and collaboration potentials with the U.S.
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NCURA’s Pre-Award Research Administration Conference
will be held on March 8-10, 2017 in San Diego, CA. ETH Zurich will be leading a panel session on H2020: Quick and Easy- What You Have To Know and Why You Should Know It.
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Our Oceans 2017 Conference

The EU will cooperate with international partners to ensure implementation and will host in October 2017 the “Our Oceans” conference to build on these commitments. (This Conference was held in Washington, USA this year).
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BILAT USA 4.0 organised its first thematic workshop on Nano EHS Field
BILAT USA 4.0 in cooperation with the eNanoMapper project, organized the workshop titled “Enabling a sustainable harmonised knowledge infrastructure supporting nano environmental and health safety assessment” on 24th of October in Rheinfelden (Germany). The event served to support the ongoing US-EU dialogue in the area of Nano Environmental and Health Safety (NanoEHS) that has the goals to engage US and EU experts in active discussions, encourage joint programs of work and support communities of research. The workshop was attended by about 30 experts from Europe, U.S. and Asia.
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BILAT USA 4.0 supports internationalization of the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) of Europe
BILAT USA 4.0 has organized a workshop together with INCOBRA Initiative on 21 November 2016 the titled “JPIs on the Global Stage: Opportunities for International Cooperation”. The goal of the workshop was to create awareness about the JPIs and their strategic agendas among the funding bodies from major partner countries and to facilitate exchange of knowledge and cooperation with leading funding agencies from USA and Brazil 50 participant representing 9 JPIs, major funding bodies and organizations from U.S., Brazil and Canada, European funding agencies as well as the European Commission, other networks and high level groups such as Belmont Forum, GPC and SFIC have discussed the international cooperation opportunities and challenges within the framework of JPIs.
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BILAT USA 4.0 Guide on Funding opportunities for US and EU researchers will be soon available
The report on U.S. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS includes descriptions for 26 US federal agencies and 30 non-federal agencies to help EU scientists and academics self-identify funding opportunities to support their research.
The report on EU AND MS/AC FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR U.S. RESEARCHERS presents EU funding opportunities under H2020 Work Programme 2016-2017.
Additional information on funding opportunities offered by bilateral programs between MS/AC and the U.S. is currently being prepared by the Strategy Forum on International Cooperation and will be included once publicly available.
The funding opportunities presented in these reports will also be accessible as a searchable online database on the BILAT USA 4.0 website.
Report on Status Quo EU-US STI Cooperation Patterns
The report on EU-US STI Cooperation patterns – Status Quo provides a short overview of some of the key cooperation patterns between the USA and Europe in research and innovation. The report provides a basis on the activities to further stimulate research actors from EU and the US towards increased and deeper research cooperation. The following areas are selected priorities for those stimulation activities:
- Health research
- Marine and arctic research
- NMP (Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Technologies)
- Transport research
The report will soon be available on BILAT USA 4.0 website.
Analyzing Report Report on Future Emerging Topics in EU-US STI Cooperation A- Consultation Process with Policy Makers and Funders
By analyzing a consultation with funders and policy-makers through 51 interviews and surveys, this report aims to identify new thematic areas for expanded EU-US STI cooperation. These areas will be further explored and vetted first through a follow-up consultation with top researchers, and then through a series of thematic workshops bringing together researchers, funders, and policy-makers.
The report will soon be available on BILAT USA 4.0 website.