debug: 12:49:54.6525480
[0] => Error Object
[message:protected] => Call to undefined function ImageCreate()
[string:Error:private] =>
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/third_party/phpqrcode/qrimage.php
[line:protected] => 74
[trace:Error:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/third_party/phpqrcode/qrimage.php
[line] => 32
[function] => image
[class] => QRimage
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => 1111111001001011001111111
[1] => 1000001000111001101000001
[2] => 1011101011101000101011101
[3] => 1011101001110011001011101
[4] => 1011101000100001001011101
[5] => 1000001001000111101000001
[6] => 1111111010101010101111111
[7] => 0000000011101101100000000
[8] => 1110111110110101111000100
[9] => 0111110110110000001000001
[10] => 1101011001000010011100111
[11] => 0011100110010111101000010
[12] => 1110001100001100101101011
[13] => 0100110010011000111001001
[14] => 1001101100011100010100111
[15] => 0100100101101111111001010
[16] => 1011011010111100111111000
[17] => 0000000010110000100011111
[18] => 1111111010100101101010011
[19] => 1000001011111100100011000
[20] => 1011101010100110111110000
[21] => 1011101000101001000010100
[22] => 1011101010100101000111001
[23] => 1000001010111101110011010
[24] => 1111111011101101100100011
[1] => 4
[2] => 2
[1] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/third_party/phpqrcode/qrencode.php
[line] => 494
[function] => png
[class] => QRimage
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => 1111111001001011001111111
[1] => 1000001000111001101000001
[2] => 1011101011101000101011101
[3] => 1011101001110011001011101
[4] => 1011101000100001001011101
[5] => 1000001001000111101000001
[6] => 1111111010101010101111111
[7] => 0000000011101101100000000
[8] => 1110111110110101111000100
[9] => 0111110110110000001000001
[10] => 1101011001000010011100111
[11] => 0011100110010111101000010
[12] => 1110001100001100101101011
[13] => 0100110010011000111001001
[14] => 1001101100011100010100111
[15] => 0100100101101111111001010
[16] => 1011011010111100111111000
[17] => 0000000010110000100011111
[18] => 1111111010100101101010011
[19] => 1000001011111100100011000
[20] => 1011101010100110111110000
[21] => 1011101000101001000010100
[22] => 1011101010100101000111001
[23] => 1000001010111101110011010
[24] => 1111111011101101100100011
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/../assets/image/qr/Blue-Action.png
[2] => 4
[3] => 2
[4] =>
[2] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/third_party/phpqrcode/qrencode.php
[line] => 286
[function] => encodePNG
[class] => QRencode
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/../assets/image/qr/Blue-Action.png
[2] =>
[3] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/projects/controllers/Projects.php
[line] => 63
[function] => png
[class] => QRcode
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/../assets/image/qr/Blue-Action.png
[2] => L
[3] => 4
[4] => 2
[4] => Array
[function] => index_get
[class] => modules\projects\controllers\Projects
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => blue_action
[5] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/libraries/REST_Controller.php
[line] => 443
[function] => call_user_func_array
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Projects Object
[current_language:protected] => eng
[menu_item:protected] =>
[titleSuffix:protected] =>
[rest_format:protected] =>
[methods:protected] => Array
[allowed_http_methods:protected] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => delete
[2] => post
[3] => put
[4] => options
[5] => patch
[6] => head
[request:protected] => stdClass Object
[ssl] =>
[method] => get
[format] =>
[body] =>
[response:protected] => stdClass Object
[format] => json
[lang] =>
[rest:protected] => stdClass Object
[_get_args:protected] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[_post_args:protected] => Array
[_insert_id:protected] =>
[_put_args:protected] => Array
[_delete_args:protected] => Array
[_patch_args:protected] => Array
[_head_args:protected] => Array
[_options_args:protected] => Array
[_args:protected] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[_allow:protected] => 1
[_zlib_oc:protected] =>
[_user_ldap_dn:protected] =>
[_start_rtime:protected] => 1741870191.7647
[_end_rtime:protected] =>
[_supported_formats:protected] => Array
[xml] => application/xml
[json] => application/json
[jsonp] => application/javascript
[serialized] => application/vnd.php.serialized
[php] => text/plain
[html] => text/html
[csv] => application/csv
[_apiuser:protected] =>
[autoload] => Array
[load] => MY_Loader Object
[originalLibraryName:protected] => exception_handler
[_module:protected] =>
[controller:protected] => Projects Object
[_ci_plugins] => Array
[_ci_cached_vars] => Array
[_ci_ob_level:protected] => 1
[_ci_view_paths:protected] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/views/] => 1
[_ci_library_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/
[_ci_model_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/projects/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[_ci_helper_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[_ci_classes:protected] => Array
[benchmark] => Benchmark
[hooks] => Hooks
[config] => Config
[log] => Log
[utf8] => Utf8
[uri] => URI
[input] => Input
[security] => Security
[output] => Output
[lang] => Lang
[loader] => Loader
[template] => Template
[parser] => Parser
[agent] => User_agent
[mail] => Mail
[asset_manager] => Asset_manager
[language] => Language
[model_binder] => Model_binder
[membership_provider] => Membership_provider
[user_account] => User_account
[table_structure] => Table_structure
[exception_handler] => Exception_handler
[format] => Format
[_ci_models:protected] => Array
[_ci_helpers:protected] => Array
[url_helper] => 1
[form_helper] => 1
[html_helper] => 1
[debug_helper] => 1
[editor_template_helper] => 1
[system_helper] => 1
[inflector_helper] => 1
[_ci_varmap:protected] => Array
[unit_test] => unit
[user_agent] => agent
[template] => core\libraries\Template Object
[_module:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_controller:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_method:core\libraries\Template:private] => index
[_theme:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_path:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_layout:core\libraries\Template:private] => default
[_layout_subdir:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_title:core\libraries\Template:private] => BilatUSA 4.0
[_metadata:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_partials:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_breadcrumbs:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_title_separator:core\libraries\Template:private] => |
[_parser_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] => 1
[_parser_body_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_locations:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/themes/
[_is_mobile:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[cache_lifetime:core\libraries\Template:private] => 0
[_ci:core\libraries\Template:private] => CI Object
[router] => MY_Router Object
[module] => projects
[located:protected] => 2
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[routes] => Array
[404_override] => content
[api/?] => api/docs
[api/(json|html|yaml)] => api/docs/index/$1
[networking] => projects
[eu-us-projects-on-focus] => projects
[class] => projects
[method] => index
[directory] => ../modules/projects/controllers/
[default_controller] => site/welcome
[translate_uri_dashes] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[uri] => CI_URI Object
[keyval] => Array
[rsegment] => Array
[3] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[uri_string] => projects/blue-action
[segments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => blue-action
[rsegments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => index
[3] => blue_action
[_permitted_uri_chars:protected] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[input] => CI_Input Object
[ip_address:protected] =>
[_allow_get_array:protected] => 1
[_standardize_newlines:protected] =>
[_enable_xss:protected] =>
[_enable_csrf:protected] =>
[headers:protected] => Array
[_raw_input_stream:protected] =>
[_input_stream:protected] =>
[security:protected] => CI_Security Object
[filename_bad_chars] => Array
[0] => ../
[1] =>
[3] => <
[4] => >
[5] => '
[6] => "
[7] => &
[8] => $
[9] => #
[10] => {
[11] => }
[12] => [
[13] => ]
[14] => =
[15] => ;
[16] => ?
[17] => %20
[18] => %22
[19] => %3c
[20] => %253c
[21] => %3e
[22] => %0e
[23] => %28
[24] => %29
[25] => %2528
[26] => %26
[27] => %24
[28] => %3f
[29] => %3b
[30] => %3d
[charset] => UTF-8
[_xss_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_expire:protected] => 7200
[_csrf_token_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_csrf_cookie_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_never_allowed_str:protected] => Array
[document.cookie] => [removed]
[document.write] => [removed]
[.parentNode] => [removed]
[.innerHTML] => [removed]
[-moz-binding] => [removed]
[] => -->
[ <![CDATA[
[] => <comment>
[_never_allowed_regex:protected] => Array
[0] => javascript\s*:
[1] => (document|(document\.)?window)\.(location|on\w*)
[2] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;)
[3] => vbscript\s*:
[4] => wscript\s*:
[5] => jscript\s*:
[6] => vbs\s*:
[7] => Redirect\s+30\d
[8] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?
[uni:protected] => CI_Utf8 Object
[output] => CI_Output Object
[final_output] =>
[cache_expiration] => 0
[headers] => Array
[mimes] => Array
[hqx] => Array
[0] => application/mac-binhex40
[1] => application/mac-binhex
[2] => application/x-binhex40
[3] => application/x-mac-binhex40
[cpt] => application/mac-compactpro
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/x-comma-separated-values
[1] => text/comma-separated-values
[2] => application/octet-stream
[3] => application/
[4] => application/x-csv
[5] => text/x-csv
[6] => text/csv
[7] => application/csv
[8] => application/excel
[9] => application/vnd.msexcel
[10] => text/plain
[bin] => Array
[0] => application/macbinary
[1] => application/mac-binary
[2] => application/octet-stream
[3] => application/x-binary
[4] => application/x-macbinary
[dms] => application/octet-stream
[lha] => application/octet-stream
[lzh] => application/octet-stream
[exe] => Array
[0] => application/octet-stream
[1] => application/x-msdownload
[class] => application/octet-stream
[psd] => Array
[0] => application/x-photoshop
[1] => image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
[so] => application/octet-stream
[sea] => application/octet-stream
[dll] => application/octet-stream
[oda] => application/oda
[pdf] => Array
[0] => application/pdf
[1] => application/force-download
[2] => application/x-download
[3] => binary/octet-stream
[ai] => Array
[0] => application/pdf
[1] => application/postscript
[eps] => application/postscript
[ps] => application/postscript
[smi] => application/smil
[smil] => application/smil
[mif] => application/vnd.mif
[xls] => Array
[0] => application/
[1] => application/msexcel
[2] => application/x-msexcel
[3] => application/x-ms-excel
[4] => application/x-excel
[5] => application/x-dos_ms_excel
[6] => application/xls
[7] => application/x-xls
[8] => application/excel
[9] => application/download
[10] => application/
[11] => application/msword
[ppt] => Array
[0] => application/powerpoint
[1] => application/
[2] => application/
[3] => application/msword
[pptx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
[1] => application/x-zip
[2] => application/zip
[wbxml] => application/wbxml
[wmlc] => application/wmlc
[dcr] => application/x-director
[dir] => application/x-director
[dxr] => application/x-director
[dvi] => application/x-dvi
[gtar] => application/x-gtar
[gz] => application/x-gzip
[gzip] => application/x-gzip
[php] => Array
[0] => application/x-httpd-php
[1] => application/php
[2] => application/x-php
[3] => text/php
[4] => text/x-php
[5] => application/x-httpd-php-source
[php4] => application/x-httpd-php
[php3] => application/x-httpd-php
[phtml] => application/x-httpd-php
[phps] => application/x-httpd-php-source
[js] => Array
[0] => application/x-javascript
[1] => text/plain
[swf] => application/x-shockwave-flash
[sit] => application/x-stuffit
[tar] => application/x-tar
[tgz] => Array
[0] => application/x-tar
[1] => application/x-gzip-compressed
[z] => application/x-compress
[xhtml] => application/xhtml+xml
[xht] => application/xhtml+xml
[zip] => Array
[0] => application/x-zip
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/x-zip-compressed
[3] => application/s-compressed
[4] => multipart/x-zip
[rar] => Array
[0] => application/x-rar
[1] => application/rar
[2] => application/x-rar-compressed
[mid] => audio/midi
[midi] => audio/midi
[mpga] => audio/mpeg
[mp2] => audio/mpeg
[mp3] => Array
[0] => audio/mpeg
[1] => audio/mpg
[2] => audio/mpeg3
[3] => audio/mp3
[aif] => Array
[0] => audio/x-aiff
[1] => audio/aiff
[aiff] => Array
[0] => audio/x-aiff
[1] => audio/aiff
[aifc] => audio/x-aiff
[ram] => audio/x-pn-realaudio
[rm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio
[rpm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
[ra] => audio/x-realaudio
[rv] => video/vnd.rn-realvideo
[wav] => Array
[0] => audio/x-wav
[1] => audio/wave
[2] => audio/wav
[bmp] => Array
[0] => image/bmp
[1] => image/x-bmp
[2] => image/x-bitmap
[3] => image/x-xbitmap
[4] => image/x-win-bitmap
[5] => image/x-windows-bmp
[6] => image/ms-bmp
[7] => image/x-ms-bmp
[8] => application/bmp
[9] => application/x-bmp
[10] => application/x-win-bitmap
[gif] => image/gif
[jpeg] => Array
[0] => image/jpeg
[1] => image/pjpeg
[jpg] => Array
[0] => image/jpeg
[1] => image/pjpeg
[jpe] => Array
[0] => image/jpeg
[1] => image/pjpeg
[png] => Array
[0] => image/png
[1] => image/x-png
[tiff] => image/tiff
[tif] => image/tiff
[css] => Array
[0] => text/css
[1] => text/plain
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => text/plain
[htm] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => text/plain
[shtml] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[text] => text/plain
[log] => Array
[0] => text/plain
[1] => text/x-log
[rtx] => text/richtext
[rtf] => text/rtf
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[2] => text/plain
[xsl] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xsl
[2] => text/xml
[mpeg] => video/mpeg
[mpg] => video/mpeg
[mpe] => video/mpeg
[qt] => video/quicktime
[mov] => video/quicktime
[avi] => Array
[0] => video/x-msvideo
[1] => video/msvideo
[2] => video/avi
[3] => application/x-troff-msvideo
[movie] => video/x-sgi-movie
[doc] => Array
[0] => application/msword
[1] => application/
[docx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/msword
[3] => application/x-zip
[dot] => Array
[0] => application/msword
[1] => application/
[dotx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/msword
[xlsx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/
[3] => application/msword
[4] => application/x-zip
[word] => Array
[0] => application/msword
[1] => application/octet-stream
[xl] => application/excel
[eml] => message/rfc822
[json] => Array
[0] => application/json
[1] => text/json
[pem] => Array
[0] => application/x-x509-user-cert
[1] => application/x-pem-file
[2] => application/octet-stream
[p10] => Array
[0] => application/x-pkcs10
[1] => application/pkcs10
[p12] => application/x-pkcs12
[p7a] => application/x-pkcs7-signature
[p7c] => Array
[0] => application/pkcs7-mime
[1] => application/x-pkcs7-mime
[p7m] => Array
[0] => application/pkcs7-mime
[1] => application/x-pkcs7-mime
[p7r] => application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp
[p7s] => application/pkcs7-signature
[crt] => Array
[0] => application/x-x509-ca-cert
[1] => application/x-x509-user-cert
[2] => application/pkix-cert
[crl] => Array
[0] => application/pkix-crl
[1] => application/pkcs-crl
[der] => application/x-x509-ca-cert
[kdb] => application/octet-stream
[pgp] => application/pgp
[gpg] => application/gpg-keys
[sst] => application/octet-stream
[csr] => application/octet-stream
[rsa] => application/x-pkcs7
[cer] => Array
[0] => application/pkix-cert
[1] => application/x-x509-ca-cert
[3g2] => video/3gpp2
[3gp] => video/3gp
[mp4] => video/mp4
[m4a] => audio/x-m4a
[f4v] => video/mp4
[webm] => video/webm
[aac] => audio/x-acc
[m4u] => application/vnd.mpegurl
[m3u] => text/plain
[xspf] => application/xspf+xml
[vlc] => application/videolan
[wmv] => Array
[0] => video/x-ms-wmv
[1] => video/x-ms-asf
[au] => audio/x-au
[ac3] => audio/ac3
[flac] => audio/x-flac
[ogg] => audio/ogg
[kmz] => Array
[0] => application/
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/x-zip
[kml] => Array
[0] => application/
[1] => application/xml
[2] => text/xml
[ics] => text/calendar
[ical] => text/calendar
[zsh] => text/x-scriptzsh
[7zip] => Array
[0] => application/x-compressed
[1] => application/x-zip-compressed
[2] => application/zip
[3] => multipart/x-zip
[cdr] => Array
[0] => application/cdr
[1] => application/coreldraw
[2] => application/x-cdr
[3] => application/x-coreldraw
[4] => image/cdr
[5] => image/x-cdr
[6] => zz-application/zz-winassoc-cdr
[wma] => Array
[0] => audio/x-ms-wma
[1] => video/x-ms-asf
[jar] => Array
[0] => application/java-archive
[1] => application/x-java-application
[2] => application/x-jar
[3] => application/x-compressed
[svg] => Array
[0] => image/svg+xml
[1] => application/xml
[2] => text/xml
[vcf] => text/x-vcard
[mime_type:protected] => text/html
[enable_profiler] =>
[_zlib_oc:protected] =>
[_compress_output:protected] =>
[_profiler_sections:protected] => Array
[parse_exec_vars] => 1
[lang] => MY_Lang Object
[language] => Array
[common_home] => Home
[common_back_to_home] => Back to home
[common_registration] => Registration
[common_save_button] => Save
[common_submit_button] => Submit
[common_log_in] => Log in
[common_log_out] => Log out
[common_admin_section] => Admin section
[common_my_account] => My account
[common_more_button] => Further information
[common_slogan] => State of the art and beyond
[is_loaded] => Array
[common_lang.php] => english
[benchmark] => CI_Benchmark Object
[marker] => Array
[total_execution_time_start] => 1741870191.7017
[loading_time:_base_classes_start] => 1741870191.7017
[loading_time:_base_classes_end] => 1741870191.7644
[controller_execution_time_( Projects / _remap )_start] => 1741870191.7647
[hooks] => CI_Hooks Object
[enabled] => 1
[hooks] => Array
[pre_controller] => Array
[0] => Array
[class] => \core\hooks\ExceptionHook
[function] => SetExceptionHandler
[filename] => ExceptionHook.php
[filepath] => core/hooks
[post_controller_constructor] => Array
[0] => Array
[class] => \core\hooks\ActionFilter
[function] => run
[filename] => ActionFilter.php
[filepath] => core/hooks
[_objects:protected] => Array
[\core\hooks\ExceptionHook] => core\hooks\ExceptionHook Object
[\core\hooks\ActionFilter] => core\hooks\ActionFilter Object
[_in_progress:protected] =>
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[log] => CI_Log Object
[_log_path:protected] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/logs/
[_file_permissions:protected] => 420
[_threshold:protected] => 0
[_threshold_array:protected] => Array
[_date_fmt:protected] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[_file_ext:protected] => php
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_levels:protected] => Array
[ERROR] => 1
[DEBUG] => 2
[INFO] => 3
[ALL] => 4
[utf8] => CI_Utf8 Object
[uri] => CI_URI Object
[keyval] => Array
[rsegment] => Array
[3] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[uri_string] => projects/blue-action
[segments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => blue-action
[rsegments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => index
[3] => blue_action
[_permitted_uri_chars:protected] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[security] => CI_Security Object
[filename_bad_chars] => Array
[0] => ../
[1] =>
[3] => <
[4] => >
[5] => '
[6] => "
[7] => &
[8] => $
[9] => #
[10] => {
[11] => }
[12] => [
[13] => ]
[14] => =
[15] => ;
[16] => ?
[17] => %20
[18] => %22
[19] => %3c
[20] => %253c
[21] => %3e
[22] => %0e
[23] => %28
[24] => %29
[25] => %2528
[26] => %26
[27] => %24
[28] => %3f
[29] => %3b
[30] => %3d
[charset] => UTF-8
[_xss_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_expire:protected] => 7200
[_csrf_token_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_csrf_cookie_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_never_allowed_str:protected] => Array
[document.cookie] => [removed]
[document.write] => [removed]
[.parentNode] => [removed]
[.innerHTML] => [removed]
[-moz-binding] => [removed]
[] => -->
[ <![CDATA[
[] => <comment>
[_never_allowed_regex:protected] => Array
[0] => javascript\s*:
[1] => (document|(document\.)?window)\.(location|on\w*)
[2] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;)
[3] => vbscript\s*:
[4] => wscript\s*:
[5] => jscript\s*:
[6] => vbs\s*:
[7] => Redirect\s+30\d
[8] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?
[load] => MY_Loader Object
[originalLibraryName:protected] => exception_handler
[_module:protected] => projects
[controller:protected] =>
[_ci_plugins] => Array
[_ci_cached_vars] => Array
[_ci_ob_level:protected] => 1
[_ci_view_paths:protected] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/views/] => 1
[_ci_library_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/
[_ci_model_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/projects/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[_ci_helper_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[_ci_classes:protected] => Array
[benchmark] => Benchmark
[hooks] => Hooks
[config] => Config
[log] => Log
[utf8] => Utf8
[uri] => URI
[input] => Input
[security] => Security
[output] => Output
[lang] => Lang
[loader] => Loader
[template] => Template
[parser] => Parser
[agent] => User_agent
[mail] => Mail
[asset_manager] => Asset_manager
[language] => Language
[model_binder] => Model_binder
[membership_provider] => Membership_provider
[user_account] => User_account
[table_structure] => Table_structure
[exception_handler] => Exception_handler
[format] => Format
[_ci_models:protected] => Array
[_ci_helpers:protected] => Array
[url_helper] => 1
[form_helper] => 1
[html_helper] => 1
[debug_helper] => 1
[editor_template_helper] => 1
[system_helper] => 1
[inflector_helper] => 1
[_ci_varmap:protected] => Array
[unit_test] => unit
[user_agent] => agent
[db] => core\database\drivers\mysqli\Driver Object
[dbdriver] => mysqli
[compress] =>
[delete_hack] => 1
[stricton] =>
[_escape_char:protected] => `
[return_delete_sql:protected] =>
[reset_delete_data:protected] =>
[qb_select:protected] => Array
[qb_distinct:protected] =>
[qb_from:protected] => Array
[qb_join:protected] => Array
[qb_where:protected] => Array
[qb_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_having:protected] => Array
[qb_keys:protected] => Array
[qb_limit:protected] =>
[qb_offset:protected] =>
[qb_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_set:protected] => Array
[qb_aliased_tables:protected] => Array
[qb_where_group_started:protected] =>
[qb_where_group_count:protected] => 0
[qb_caching:protected] =>
[qb_cache_exists:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_select:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_from:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_join:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_where:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_having:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_set:protected] => Array
[qb_no_escape:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_no_escape:protected] => Array
[dsn] =>
[username] => bilatusa4
[password] => :@=M>WdmSr6rs4H,
[hostname] => warehouse.emg.local
[database] => bilatusa4
[subdriver] =>
[dbprefix] =>
[char_set] => utf8
[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci
[encrypt] =>
[swap_pre] =>
[port] =>
[pconnect] =>
[conn_id] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => 8
[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
[client_version] => 50012
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 2
[host_info] => warehouse.emg.local via TCP/IP
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
[server_version] => 80041
[stat] => Uptime: 2839324 Threads: 5 Questions: 59819986769 Slow queries: 5638 Opens: 19442551 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 4000 Queries per second avg: 21068.390
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 3113865
[warning_count] => 9
[result_id] => mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 2
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 8
[type] => 0
[db_debug] => 1
[benchmark] => 2.8947603702545
[query_count] => 15
[bind_marker] => ?
[save_queries] => 1
[queries] => Array
[0] =>
select alpha_3, alpha_2, name, is_default, ifnull(alpha_2, alpha_3) subdomain
from language
where status = 'enabled'
[1] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[2] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[3] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[4] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[5] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[6] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[7] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[8] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[9] => call accessGranted ('GET','projects/blue-action',NULL);
[10] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[11] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[12] =>
select *
from project
where replace(acronym, '-', '_') = 'blue_action'
[13] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[14] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[query_times] => Array
[0] => 0.0050089359283447
[1] => 0.013893127441406
[2] => 0.0027329921722412
[3] => 0.00091791152954102
[4] => 0.00048613548278809
[5] => 0.00049996376037598
[6] => 0.00047111511230469
[7] => 0.00046801567077637
[8] => 0.00043392181396484
[9] => 2.862270116806
[10] => 0.0018379688262939
[11] => 0.0017220973968506
[12] => 0.0032830238342285
[13] => 0.00034403800964355
[14] => 0.00039100646972656
[data_cache] => Array
[trans_enabled] => 1
[trans_strict] => 1
[_trans_depth:protected] => 0
[_trans_status:protected] => 1
[_trans_failure:protected] =>
[cache_on] =>
[cachedir] =>
[cache_autodel] =>
[CACHE] =>
[_protect_identifiers:protected] => 1
[_reserved_identifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[_like_escape_str:protected] => ESCAPE '%s'
[_like_escape_chr:protected] => !
[_random_keyword:protected] => Array
[0] => RAND()
[1] => RAND(%d)
[_count_string:protected] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS
[throwException:protected] => 1
[exceptionReference:protected] => Array
[failover] => Array
[parser] => CI_Parser Object
[l_delim] => {
[r_delim] => }
[CI:protected] => CI Object
[agent] => CI_User_agent Object
[agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
[is_browser] => 1
[is_robot] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[languages] => Array
[0] => Undefined
[charsets] => Array
[platforms] => Array
[windows nt 10.0] => Windows 10
[windows nt 6.3] => Windows 8.1
[windows nt 6.2] => Windows 8
[windows nt 6.1] => Windows 7
[windows nt 6.0] => Windows Vista
[windows nt 5.2] => Windows 2003
[windows nt 5.1] => Windows XP
[windows nt 5.0] => Windows 2000
[windows nt 4.0] => Windows NT 4.0
[winnt4.0] => Windows NT 4.0
[winnt 4.0] => Windows NT
[winnt] => Windows NT
[windows 98] => Windows 98
[win98] => Windows 98
[windows 95] => Windows 95
[win95] => Windows 95
[windows phone] => Windows Phone
[windows] => Unknown Windows OS
[android] => Android
[blackberry] => BlackBerry
[iphone] => iOS
[ipad] => iOS
[ipod] => iOS
[os x] => Mac OS X
[ppc mac] => Power PC Mac
[freebsd] => FreeBSD
[ppc] => Macintosh
[linux] => Linux
[debian] => Debian
[sunos] => Sun Solaris
[beos] => BeOS
[apachebench] => ApacheBench
[aix] => AIX
[irix] => Irix
[osf] => DEC OSF
[hp-ux] => HP-UX
[netbsd] => NetBSD
[bsdi] => BSDi
[openbsd] => OpenBSD
[gnu] => GNU/Linux
[unix] => Unknown Unix OS
[symbian] => Symbian OS
[browsers] => Array
[OPR] => Opera
[Flock] => Flock
[Chrome] => Chrome
[Opera.*?Version] => Opera
[Opera] => Opera
[MSIE] => Internet Explorer
[Internet Explorer] => Internet Explorer
[Trident.* rv] => Internet Explorer
[Shiira] => Shiira
[Firefox] => Firefox
[Chimera] => Chimera
[Phoenix] => Phoenix
[Firebird] => Firebird
[Camino] => Camino
[Netscape] => Netscape
[OmniWeb] => OmniWeb
[Safari] => Safari
[Mozilla] => Mozilla
[Konqueror] => Konqueror
[icab] => iCab
[Lynx] => Lynx
[Links] => Links
[hotjava] => HotJava
[amaya] => Amaya
[IBrowse] => IBrowse
[Maxthon] => Maxthon
[Ubuntu] => Ubuntu Web Browser
[mobiles] => Array
[mobileexplorer] => Mobile Explorer
[palmsource] => Palm
[palmscape] => Palmscape
[motorola] => Motorola
[nokia] => Nokia
[palm] => Palm
[iphone] => Apple iPhone
[ipad] => iPad
[ipod] => Apple iPod Touch
[sony] => Sony Ericsson
[ericsson] => Sony Ericsson
[blackberry] => BlackBerry
[cocoon] => O2 Cocoon
[blazer] => Treo
[lg] => LG
[amoi] => Amoi
[xda] => XDA
[mda] => MDA
[vario] => Vario
[htc] => HTC
[samsung] => Samsung
[sharp] => Sharp
[sie-] => Siemens
[alcatel] => Alcatel
[benq] => BenQ
[ipaq] => HP iPaq
[mot-] => Motorola
[playstation portable] => PlayStation Portable
[playstation 3] => PlayStation 3
[playstation vita] => PlayStation Vita
[hiptop] => Danger Hiptop
[nec-] => NEC
[panasonic] => Panasonic
[philips] => Philips
[sagem] => Sagem
[sanyo] => Sanyo
[spv] => SPV
[zte] => ZTE
[sendo] => Sendo
[nintendo dsi] => Nintendo DSi
[nintendo ds] => Nintendo DS
[nintendo 3ds] => Nintendo 3DS
[wii] => Nintendo Wii
[open web] => Open Web
[openweb] => OpenWeb
[android] => Android
[symbian] => Symbian
[SymbianOS] => SymbianOS
[elaine] => Palm
[series60] => Symbian S60
[windows ce] => Windows CE
[obigo] => Obigo
[netfront] => Netfront Browser
[openwave] => Openwave Browser
[mobilexplorer] => Mobile Explorer
[operamini] => Opera Mini
[opera mini] => Opera Mini
[opera mobi] => Opera Mobile
[fennec] => Firefox Mobile
[digital paths] => Digital Paths
[avantgo] => AvantGo
[xiino] => Xiino
[novarra] => Novarra Transcoder
[vodafone] => Vodafone
[docomo] => NTT DoCoMo
[o2] => O2
[mobile] => Generic Mobile
[wireless] => Generic Mobile
[j2me] => Generic Mobile
[midp] => Generic Mobile
[cldc] => Generic Mobile
[] => Generic Mobile
[up.browser] => Generic Mobile
[smartphone] => Generic Mobile
[cellphone] => Generic Mobile
[robots] => Array
[googlebot] => Googlebot
[msnbot] => MSNBot
[baiduspider] => Baiduspider
[bingbot] => Bing
[slurp] => Inktomi Slurp
[yahoo] => Yahoo
[askjeeves] => AskJeeves
[fastcrawler] => FastCrawler
[infoseek] => InfoSeek Robot 1.0
[lycos] => Lycos
[yandex] => YandexBot
[mediapartners-google] => MediaPartners Google
[CRAZYWEBCRAWLER] => Crazy Webcrawler
[adsbot-google] => AdsBot Google
[feedfetcher-google] => Feedfetcher Google
[curious george] => Curious George
[platform] => Unknown Platform
[browser] => Mozilla
[version] => 5.0
[mobile] =>
[robot] =>
[referer] =>
[template] => core\libraries\Template Object
[_module:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_controller:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_method:core\libraries\Template:private] => index
[_theme:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_path:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_layout:core\libraries\Template:private] => default
[_layout_subdir:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_title:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_metadata:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_partials:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_breadcrumbs:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_title_separator:core\libraries\Template:private] => |
[_parser_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] => 1
[_parser_body_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_locations:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/themes/
[_is_mobile:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[cache_lifetime:core\libraries\Template:private] => 0
[_ci:core\libraries\Template:private] => CI Object
[_data:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[mail] => core\libraries\Mail Object
[from:core\libraries\Mail:private] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path:core\libraries\Mail:private] =>
[technical_staff:core\libraries\Mail:private] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc:core\libraries\Mail:private] =>
[template_path:core\libraries\Mail:private] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path:core\libraries\Mail:private] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[inline_attachments:core\libraries\Mail:private] => Array
[asset_manager] => core\libraries\Asset_manager Object
[assets_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => assets
[script_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => assets/js
[style_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => assets/css
[cache_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => cache
[enable_bundling:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] =>
[enable_compression:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => Array
[css] => 1
[js] =>
[assets:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => Array
[css] => Array
[primary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[secondary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[js] => Array
[primary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[secondary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[language] => core\libraries\Language Object
[map2to3:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[en] => eng
[hu] => hun
[available_languages:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[eng] => English
[hun] => Hungarian
[default_language:core\libraries\Language:private] => eng
[subdomains:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[en] => eng
[hu] => hun
[tld:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[eu] => eng
[com] => eng
[current:core\libraries\Language:private] =>
[model_binder] => core\libraries\Model_binder Object
[CI:protected] => CI Object
[httpMethod:protected] => get
[input:protected] =>
[processedInput:protected] =>
[isInputArray:protected] =>
[membership_provider] => core\libraries\Membership_provider Object
[validationResult:protected] =>
[user_account] => core\libraries\User_account Object
[encryption_key:core\libraries\User_account:private] =>
[current_user] =>
[table_structure] => core\libraries\Table_structure Object
[cache:core\libraries\Table_structure:private] => Array
[exception_handler] => core\libraries\Exception_handler Object
[format] => core\libraries\Format Object
[_data:protected] =>
[_from_type:protected] =>
[navigation] => Array
[main menu] => modules\navigation\libraries\Navigation Object
[ci:protected] => CI Object
[db:protected] => core\database\drivers\mysqli\Driver Object
[dbdriver] => mysqli
[compress] =>
[delete_hack] => 1
[stricton] =>
[_escape_char:protected] => `
[return_delete_sql:protected] =>
[reset_delete_data:protected] =>
[qb_select:protected] => Array
[qb_distinct:protected] =>
[qb_from:protected] => Array
[qb_join:protected] => Array
[qb_where:protected] => Array
[qb_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_having:protected] => Array
[qb_keys:protected] => Array
[qb_limit:protected] =>
[qb_offset:protected] =>
[qb_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_set:protected] => Array
[qb_aliased_tables:protected] => Array
[qb_where_group_started:protected] =>
[qb_where_group_count:protected] => 0
[qb_caching:protected] =>
[qb_cache_exists:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_select:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_from:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_join:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_where:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_having:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_set:protected] => Array
[qb_no_escape:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_no_escape:protected] => Array
[dsn] =>
[username] => bilatusa4
[password] => :@=M>WdmSr6rs4H,
[hostname] => warehouse.emg.local
[database] => bilatusa4
[subdriver] =>
[dbprefix] =>
[char_set] => utf8
[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci
[encrypt] =>
[swap_pre] =>
[port] =>
[pconnect] =>
[conn_id] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => -1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
[client_version] => 50012
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 2
[host_info] => warehouse.emg.local via TCP/IP
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
[server_version] => 80041
[stat] => Uptime: 2839324 Threads: 5 Questions: 59819986770 Slow queries: 5638 Opens: 19442551 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 4000 Queries per second avg: 21068.390
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 3113865
[warning_count] => 9
[result_id] => mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 2
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 8
[type] => 0
[db_debug] => 1
[benchmark] => 2.8947603702545
[query_count] => 15
[bind_marker] => ?
[save_queries] => 1
[queries] => Array
[0] =>
select alpha_3, alpha_2, name, is_default, ifnull(alpha_2, alpha_3) subdomain
from language
where status = 'enabled'
[1] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[2] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[3] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[4] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[5] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[6] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[7] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[8] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[9] => call accessGranted ('GET','projects/blue-action',NULL);
[10] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[11] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[12] =>
select *
from project
where replace(acronym, '-', '_') = 'blue_action'
[13] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[14] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[query_times] => Array
[0] => 0.0050089359283447
[1] => 0.013893127441406
[2] => 0.0027329921722412
[3] => 0.00091791152954102
[4] => 0.00048613548278809
[5] => 0.00049996376037598
[6] => 0.00047111511230469
[7] => 0.00046801567077637
[8] => 0.00043392181396484
[9] => 2.862270116806
[10] => 0.0018379688262939
[11] => 0.0017220973968506
[12] => 0.0032830238342285
[13] => 0.00034403800964355
[14] => 0.00039100646972656
[data_cache] => Array
[trans_enabled] => 1
[trans_strict] => 1
[_trans_depth:protected] => 0
[_trans_status:protected] => 1
[_trans_failure:protected] =>
[cache_on] =>
[cachedir] =>
[cache_autodel] =>
[CACHE] =>
[_protect_identifiers:protected] => 1
[_reserved_identifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[_like_escape_str:protected] => ESCAPE '%s'
[_like_escape_chr:protected] => !
[_random_keyword:protected] => Array
[0] => RAND()
[1] => RAND(%d)
[_count_string:protected] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS
[throwException:protected] => 1
[exceptionReference:protected] => Array
[failover] => Array
[rootNodeName:protected] => main menu
[rootNodeId:protected] => 1
[langAlpha3:protected] => eng
[navigationData:protected] => Array
[119] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 119
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => about
[url] =>
[label] => About
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[127] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 127
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/project
[url] =>
[label] => Project
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[128] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 128
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/consortium
[url] =>
[label] => Consortium
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[143] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 143
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/archive
[url] =>
[label] => Archive
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[130] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 130
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/results
[url] =>
[label] => Results
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[120] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 120
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => themes
[url] =>
[label] => Themes
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[131] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 131
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/marine-and-arctic-research
[url] =>
[label] => Marine and Arctic Research
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[132] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 132
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/nmp
[url] =>
[label] => NMP
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[133] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 133
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/health
[url] =>
[label] => Health
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[134] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 134
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/transport
[url] =>
[label] => Transport
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[148] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 148
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => eu-us-projects-on-focus
[url] =>
[label] => EU-US Projects on focus
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[121] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 121
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => target-groups
[url] =>
[label] => Target groups
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[142] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 142
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/general
[url] =>
[label] => General
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[135] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 135
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/universities-research-organizations-researchers
[url] =>
[label] => Universities, Research Organizations, Researc
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[136] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 136
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/companies
[url] =>
[label] => Companies
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[137] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 137
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/policy-makers
[url] =>
[label] => Policy Makers
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[138] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 138
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/agencies-intermediaries
[url] =>
[label] => Agencies, Intermediaries
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[122] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 122
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => news
[url] =>
[label] => News
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[123] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 123
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => events
[url] =>
[label] => Events
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[125] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 125
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => documents
[url] =>
[label] => Documents
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 6
[children] => Array
[126] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 126
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => media-kit
[url] =>
[label] => Media kit
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 7
[children] => Array
[124] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 124
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => funding
[url] =>
[label] => Funding
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 8
[children] => Array
[footer menu] => modules\navigation\libraries\Navigation Object
[ci:protected] => CI Object
[db:protected] => core\database\drivers\mysqli\Driver Object
[dbdriver] => mysqli
[compress] =>
[delete_hack] => 1
[stricton] =>
[_escape_char:protected] => `
[return_delete_sql:protected] =>
[reset_delete_data:protected] =>
[qb_select:protected] => Array
[qb_distinct:protected] =>
[qb_from:protected] => Array
[qb_join:protected] => Array
[qb_where:protected] => Array
[qb_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_having:protected] => Array
[qb_keys:protected] => Array
[qb_limit:protected] =>
[qb_offset:protected] =>
[qb_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_set:protected] => Array
[qb_aliased_tables:protected] => Array
[qb_where_group_started:protected] =>
[qb_where_group_count:protected] => 0
[qb_caching:protected] =>
[qb_cache_exists:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_select:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_from:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_join:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_where:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_having:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_set:protected] => Array
[qb_no_escape:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_no_escape:protected] => Array
[dsn] =>
[username] => bilatusa4
[password] => :@=M>WdmSr6rs4H,
[hostname] => warehouse.emg.local
[database] => bilatusa4
[subdriver] =>
[dbprefix] =>
[char_set] => utf8
[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci
[encrypt] =>
[swap_pre] =>
[port] =>
[pconnect] =>
[conn_id] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => -1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
[client_version] => 50012
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 2
[host_info] => warehouse.emg.local via TCP/IP
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
[server_version] => 80041
[stat] => Uptime: 2839324 Threads: 5 Questions: 59819986771 Slow queries: 5638 Opens: 19442551 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 4000 Queries per second avg: 21068.390
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 3113865
[warning_count] => 9
[result_id] => mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 2
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 8
[type] => 0
[db_debug] => 1
[benchmark] => 2.8947603702545
[query_count] => 15
[bind_marker] => ?
[save_queries] => 1
[queries] => Array
[0] =>
select alpha_3, alpha_2, name, is_default, ifnull(alpha_2, alpha_3) subdomain
from language
where status = 'enabled'
[1] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[2] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[3] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[4] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[5] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[6] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[7] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[8] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[9] => call accessGranted ('GET','projects/blue-action',NULL);
[10] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[11] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[12] =>
select *
from project
where replace(acronym, '-', '_') = 'blue_action'
[13] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[14] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[query_times] => Array
[0] => 0.0050089359283447
[1] => 0.013893127441406
[2] => 0.0027329921722412
[3] => 0.00091791152954102
[4] => 0.00048613548278809
[5] => 0.00049996376037598
[6] => 0.00047111511230469
[7] => 0.00046801567077637
[8] => 0.00043392181396484
[9] => 2.862270116806
[10] => 0.0018379688262939
[11] => 0.0017220973968506
[12] => 0.0032830238342285
[13] => 0.00034403800964355
[14] => 0.00039100646972656
[data_cache] => Array
[trans_enabled] => 1
[trans_strict] => 1
[_trans_depth:protected] => 0
[_trans_status:protected] => 1
[_trans_failure:protected] =>
[cache_on] =>
[cachedir] =>
[cache_autodel] =>
[CACHE] =>
[_protect_identifiers:protected] => 1
[_reserved_identifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[_like_escape_str:protected] => ESCAPE '%s'
[_like_escape_chr:protected] => !
[_random_keyword:protected] => Array
[0] => RAND()
[1] => RAND(%d)
[_count_string:protected] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS
[throwException:protected] => 1
[exceptionReference:protected] => Array
[failover] => Array
[rootNodeName:protected] => footer menu
[rootNodeId:protected] => 3
[langAlpha3:protected] => eng
[navigationData:protected] => Array
[139] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 139
[parent_id] => 3
[uri] => contact
[url] =>
[label] => Contact
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[141] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 141
[parent_id] => 3
[uri] => newsletter
[url] =>
[label] => Newsletter
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[_data:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[application_settings] => Array
[description_eng] =>
[google_analytics_tracking_id] => UA-90640761-1
[google_site_verification] =>
[page_description] =>
[breadcrumbs] => Array
[contact] => Array
[address] => Záhony utca 7
[city] => Budapest
[company_name] => Europa Media Non-profit Ltd.
[country] => Hungary
[facebook] =>
[linkedin] =>
[postal_code] => 1031
[twitter] =>
[menus] => Array
[main menu] => Array
[119] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 119
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => about
[url] =>
[label] => About
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[127] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 127
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/project
[url] =>
[label] => Project
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[128] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 128
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/consortium
[url] =>
[label] => Consortium
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[143] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 143
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/archive
[url] =>
[label] => Archive
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[130] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 130
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/results
[url] =>
[label] => Results
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[120] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 120
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => themes
[url] =>
[label] => Themes
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[131] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 131
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/marine-and-arctic-research
[url] =>
[label] => Marine and Arctic Research
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[132] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 132
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/nmp
[url] =>
[label] => NMP
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[133] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 133
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/health
[url] =>
[label] => Health
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[134] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 134
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/transport
[url] =>
[label] => Transport
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[148] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 148
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => eu-us-projects-on-focus
[url] =>
[label] => EU-US Projects on focus
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[121] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 121
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => target-groups
[url] =>
[label] => Target groups
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[142] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 142
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/general
[url] =>
[label] => General
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[135] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 135
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/universities-research-organizations-researchers
[url] =>
[label] => Universities, Research Organizations, Researc
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[136] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 136
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/companies
[url] =>
[label] => Companies
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[137] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 137
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/policy-makers
[url] =>
[label] => Policy Makers
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[138] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 138
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/agencies-intermediaries
[url] =>
[label] => Agencies, Intermediaries
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[122] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 122
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => news
[url] =>
[label] => News
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[123] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 123
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => events
[url] =>
[label] => Events
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[125] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 125
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => documents
[url] =>
[label] => Documents
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 6
[children] => Array
[126] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 126
[parent_id] => 1
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[url] =>
[label] => Media kit
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 7
[children] => Array
[124] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 124
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => funding
[url] =>
[label] => Funding
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 8
[children] => Array
[footer menu] => Array
[139] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 139
[parent_id] => 3
[uri] => contact
[url] =>
[label] => Contact
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[141] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 141
[parent_id] => 3
[uri] => newsletter
[url] =>
[label] => Newsletter
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[overrides_array] =>
[auth_override] =>
[1] => index_get
[1] => Array
[0] => blue_action
[6] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/libraries/REST_Controller.php
[line] => 429
[function] => _fire_method
[class] => core\libraries\REST_Controller
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Projects Object
[current_language:protected] => eng
[menu_item:protected] =>
[titleSuffix:protected] =>
[rest_format:protected] =>
[methods:protected] => Array
[allowed_http_methods:protected] => Array
[0] => get
[1] => delete
[2] => post
[3] => put
[4] => options
[5] => patch
[6] => head
[request:protected] => stdClass Object
[ssl] =>
[method] => get
[format] =>
[body] =>
[response:protected] => stdClass Object
[format] => json
[lang] =>
[rest:protected] => stdClass Object
[_get_args:protected] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[_post_args:protected] => Array
[_insert_id:protected] =>
[_put_args:protected] => Array
[_delete_args:protected] => Array
[_patch_args:protected] => Array
[_head_args:protected] => Array
[_options_args:protected] => Array
[_args:protected] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[_allow:protected] => 1
[_zlib_oc:protected] =>
[_user_ldap_dn:protected] =>
[_start_rtime:protected] => 1741870191.7647
[_end_rtime:protected] =>
[_supported_formats:protected] => Array
[xml] => application/xml
[json] => application/json
[jsonp] => application/javascript
[serialized] => application/vnd.php.serialized
[php] => text/plain
[html] => text/html
[csv] => application/csv
[_apiuser:protected] =>
[autoload] => Array
[load] => MY_Loader Object
[originalLibraryName:protected] => exception_handler
[_module:protected] =>
[controller:protected] => Projects Object
[_ci_plugins] => Array
[_ci_cached_vars] => Array
[_ci_ob_level:protected] => 1
[_ci_view_paths:protected] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/views/] => 1
[_ci_library_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/
[_ci_model_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/projects/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[_ci_helper_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[_ci_classes:protected] => Array
[benchmark] => Benchmark
[hooks] => Hooks
[config] => Config
[log] => Log
[utf8] => Utf8
[uri] => URI
[input] => Input
[security] => Security
[output] => Output
[lang] => Lang
[loader] => Loader
[template] => Template
[parser] => Parser
[agent] => User_agent
[mail] => Mail
[asset_manager] => Asset_manager
[language] => Language
[model_binder] => Model_binder
[membership_provider] => Membership_provider
[user_account] => User_account
[table_structure] => Table_structure
[exception_handler] => Exception_handler
[format] => Format
[_ci_models:protected] => Array
[_ci_helpers:protected] => Array
[url_helper] => 1
[form_helper] => 1
[html_helper] => 1
[debug_helper] => 1
[editor_template_helper] => 1
[system_helper] => 1
[inflector_helper] => 1
[_ci_varmap:protected] => Array
[unit_test] => unit
[user_agent] => agent
[template] => core\libraries\Template Object
[_module:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_controller:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_method:core\libraries\Template:private] => index
[_theme:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_path:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_layout:core\libraries\Template:private] => default
[_layout_subdir:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_title:core\libraries\Template:private] => BilatUSA 4.0
[_metadata:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_partials:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_breadcrumbs:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_title_separator:core\libraries\Template:private] => |
[_parser_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] => 1
[_parser_body_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_locations:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/themes/
[_is_mobile:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[cache_lifetime:core\libraries\Template:private] => 0
[_ci:core\libraries\Template:private] => CI Object
[router] => MY_Router Object
[module] => projects
[located:protected] => 2
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[routes] => Array
[404_override] => content
[api/?] => api/docs
[api/(json|html|yaml)] => api/docs/index/$1
[networking] => projects
[eu-us-projects-on-focus] => projects
[class] => projects
[method] => index
[directory] => ../modules/projects/controllers/
[default_controller] => site/welcome
[translate_uri_dashes] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[uri] => CI_URI Object
[keyval] => Array
[rsegment] => Array
[3] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[uri_string] => projects/blue-action
[segments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => blue-action
[rsegments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => index
[3] => blue_action
[_permitted_uri_chars:protected] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[input] => CI_Input Object
[ip_address:protected] =>
[_allow_get_array:protected] => 1
[_standardize_newlines:protected] =>
[_enable_xss:protected] =>
[_enable_csrf:protected] =>
[headers:protected] => Array
[_raw_input_stream:protected] =>
[_input_stream:protected] =>
[security:protected] => CI_Security Object
[filename_bad_chars] => Array
[0] => ../
[1] =>
[3] => <
[4] => >
[5] => '
[6] => "
[7] => &
[8] => $
[9] => #
[10] => {
[11] => }
[12] => [
[13] => ]
[14] => =
[15] => ;
[16] => ?
[17] => %20
[18] => %22
[19] => %3c
[20] => %253c
[21] => %3e
[22] => %0e
[23] => %28
[24] => %29
[25] => %2528
[26] => %26
[27] => %24
[28] => %3f
[29] => %3b
[30] => %3d
[charset] => UTF-8
[_xss_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_expire:protected] => 7200
[_csrf_token_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_csrf_cookie_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_never_allowed_str:protected] => Array
[document.cookie] => [removed]
[document.write] => [removed]
[.parentNode] => [removed]
[.innerHTML] => [removed]
[-moz-binding] => [removed]
[] => -->
[ <![CDATA[
[] => <comment>
[_never_allowed_regex:protected] => Array
[0] => javascript\s*:
[1] => (document|(document\.)?window)\.(location|on\w*)
[2] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;)
[3] => vbscript\s*:
[4] => wscript\s*:
[5] => jscript\s*:
[6] => vbs\s*:
[7] => Redirect\s+30\d
[8] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?
[uni:protected] => CI_Utf8 Object
[output] => CI_Output Object
[final_output] =>
[cache_expiration] => 0
[headers] => Array
[mimes] => Array
[hqx] => Array
[0] => application/mac-binhex40
[1] => application/mac-binhex
[2] => application/x-binhex40
[3] => application/x-mac-binhex40
[cpt] => application/mac-compactpro
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/x-comma-separated-values
[1] => text/comma-separated-values
[2] => application/octet-stream
[3] => application/
[4] => application/x-csv
[5] => text/x-csv
[6] => text/csv
[7] => application/csv
[8] => application/excel
[9] => application/vnd.msexcel
[10] => text/plain
[bin] => Array
[0] => application/macbinary
[1] => application/mac-binary
[2] => application/octet-stream
[3] => application/x-binary
[4] => application/x-macbinary
[dms] => application/octet-stream
[lha] => application/octet-stream
[lzh] => application/octet-stream
[exe] => Array
[0] => application/octet-stream
[1] => application/x-msdownload
[class] => application/octet-stream
[psd] => Array
[0] => application/x-photoshop
[1] => image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
[so] => application/octet-stream
[sea] => application/octet-stream
[dll] => application/octet-stream
[oda] => application/oda
[pdf] => Array
[0] => application/pdf
[1] => application/force-download
[2] => application/x-download
[3] => binary/octet-stream
[ai] => Array
[0] => application/pdf
[1] => application/postscript
[eps] => application/postscript
[ps] => application/postscript
[smi] => application/smil
[smil] => application/smil
[mif] => application/vnd.mif
[xls] => Array
[0] => application/
[1] => application/msexcel
[2] => application/x-msexcel
[3] => application/x-ms-excel
[4] => application/x-excel
[5] => application/x-dos_ms_excel
[6] => application/xls
[7] => application/x-xls
[8] => application/excel
[9] => application/download
[10] => application/
[11] => application/msword
[ppt] => Array
[0] => application/powerpoint
[1] => application/
[2] => application/
[3] => application/msword
[pptx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
[1] => application/x-zip
[2] => application/zip
[wbxml] => application/wbxml
[wmlc] => application/wmlc
[dcr] => application/x-director
[dir] => application/x-director
[dxr] => application/x-director
[dvi] => application/x-dvi
[gtar] => application/x-gtar
[gz] => application/x-gzip
[gzip] => application/x-gzip
[php] => Array
[0] => application/x-httpd-php
[1] => application/php
[2] => application/x-php
[3] => text/php
[4] => text/x-php
[5] => application/x-httpd-php-source
[php4] => application/x-httpd-php
[php3] => application/x-httpd-php
[phtml] => application/x-httpd-php
[phps] => application/x-httpd-php-source
[js] => Array
[0] => application/x-javascript
[1] => text/plain
[swf] => application/x-shockwave-flash
[sit] => application/x-stuffit
[tar] => application/x-tar
[tgz] => Array
[0] => application/x-tar
[1] => application/x-gzip-compressed
[z] => application/x-compress
[xhtml] => application/xhtml+xml
[xht] => application/xhtml+xml
[zip] => Array
[0] => application/x-zip
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/x-zip-compressed
[3] => application/s-compressed
[4] => multipart/x-zip
[rar] => Array
[0] => application/x-rar
[1] => application/rar
[2] => application/x-rar-compressed
[mid] => audio/midi
[midi] => audio/midi
[mpga] => audio/mpeg
[mp2] => audio/mpeg
[mp3] => Array
[0] => audio/mpeg
[1] => audio/mpg
[2] => audio/mpeg3
[3] => audio/mp3
[aif] => Array
[0] => audio/x-aiff
[1] => audio/aiff
[aiff] => Array
[0] => audio/x-aiff
[1] => audio/aiff
[aifc] => audio/x-aiff
[ram] => audio/x-pn-realaudio
[rm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio
[rpm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
[ra] => audio/x-realaudio
[rv] => video/vnd.rn-realvideo
[wav] => Array
[0] => audio/x-wav
[1] => audio/wave
[2] => audio/wav
[bmp] => Array
[0] => image/bmp
[1] => image/x-bmp
[2] => image/x-bitmap
[3] => image/x-xbitmap
[4] => image/x-win-bitmap
[5] => image/x-windows-bmp
[6] => image/ms-bmp
[7] => image/x-ms-bmp
[8] => application/bmp
[9] => application/x-bmp
[10] => application/x-win-bitmap
[gif] => image/gif
[jpeg] => Array
[0] => image/jpeg
[1] => image/pjpeg
[jpg] => Array
[0] => image/jpeg
[1] => image/pjpeg
[jpe] => Array
[0] => image/jpeg
[1] => image/pjpeg
[png] => Array
[0] => image/png
[1] => image/x-png
[tiff] => image/tiff
[tif] => image/tiff
[css] => Array
[0] => text/css
[1] => text/plain
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => text/plain
[htm] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => text/plain
[shtml] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[text] => text/plain
[log] => Array
[0] => text/plain
[1] => text/x-log
[rtx] => text/richtext
[rtf] => text/rtf
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[2] => text/plain
[xsl] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xsl
[2] => text/xml
[mpeg] => video/mpeg
[mpg] => video/mpeg
[mpe] => video/mpeg
[qt] => video/quicktime
[mov] => video/quicktime
[avi] => Array
[0] => video/x-msvideo
[1] => video/msvideo
[2] => video/avi
[3] => application/x-troff-msvideo
[movie] => video/x-sgi-movie
[doc] => Array
[0] => application/msword
[1] => application/
[docx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/msword
[3] => application/x-zip
[dot] => Array
[0] => application/msword
[1] => application/
[dotx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/msword
[xlsx] => Array
[0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/
[3] => application/msword
[4] => application/x-zip
[word] => Array
[0] => application/msword
[1] => application/octet-stream
[xl] => application/excel
[eml] => message/rfc822
[json] => Array
[0] => application/json
[1] => text/json
[pem] => Array
[0] => application/x-x509-user-cert
[1] => application/x-pem-file
[2] => application/octet-stream
[p10] => Array
[0] => application/x-pkcs10
[1] => application/pkcs10
[p12] => application/x-pkcs12
[p7a] => application/x-pkcs7-signature
[p7c] => Array
[0] => application/pkcs7-mime
[1] => application/x-pkcs7-mime
[p7m] => Array
[0] => application/pkcs7-mime
[1] => application/x-pkcs7-mime
[p7r] => application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp
[p7s] => application/pkcs7-signature
[crt] => Array
[0] => application/x-x509-ca-cert
[1] => application/x-x509-user-cert
[2] => application/pkix-cert
[crl] => Array
[0] => application/pkix-crl
[1] => application/pkcs-crl
[der] => application/x-x509-ca-cert
[kdb] => application/octet-stream
[pgp] => application/pgp
[gpg] => application/gpg-keys
[sst] => application/octet-stream
[csr] => application/octet-stream
[rsa] => application/x-pkcs7
[cer] => Array
[0] => application/pkix-cert
[1] => application/x-x509-ca-cert
[3g2] => video/3gpp2
[3gp] => video/3gp
[mp4] => video/mp4
[m4a] => audio/x-m4a
[f4v] => video/mp4
[webm] => video/webm
[aac] => audio/x-acc
[m4u] => application/vnd.mpegurl
[m3u] => text/plain
[xspf] => application/xspf+xml
[vlc] => application/videolan
[wmv] => Array
[0] => video/x-ms-wmv
[1] => video/x-ms-asf
[au] => audio/x-au
[ac3] => audio/ac3
[flac] => audio/x-flac
[ogg] => audio/ogg
[kmz] => Array
[0] => application/
[1] => application/zip
[2] => application/x-zip
[kml] => Array
[0] => application/
[1] => application/xml
[2] => text/xml
[ics] => text/calendar
[ical] => text/calendar
[zsh] => text/x-scriptzsh
[7zip] => Array
[0] => application/x-compressed
[1] => application/x-zip-compressed
[2] => application/zip
[3] => multipart/x-zip
[cdr] => Array
[0] => application/cdr
[1] => application/coreldraw
[2] => application/x-cdr
[3] => application/x-coreldraw
[4] => image/cdr
[5] => image/x-cdr
[6] => zz-application/zz-winassoc-cdr
[wma] => Array
[0] => audio/x-ms-wma
[1] => video/x-ms-asf
[jar] => Array
[0] => application/java-archive
[1] => application/x-java-application
[2] => application/x-jar
[3] => application/x-compressed
[svg] => Array
[0] => image/svg+xml
[1] => application/xml
[2] => text/xml
[vcf] => text/x-vcard
[mime_type:protected] => text/html
[enable_profiler] =>
[_zlib_oc:protected] =>
[_compress_output:protected] =>
[_profiler_sections:protected] => Array
[parse_exec_vars] => 1
[lang] => MY_Lang Object
[language] => Array
[common_home] => Home
[common_back_to_home] => Back to home
[common_registration] => Registration
[common_save_button] => Save
[common_submit_button] => Submit
[common_log_in] => Log in
[common_log_out] => Log out
[common_admin_section] => Admin section
[common_my_account] => My account
[common_more_button] => Further information
[common_slogan] => State of the art and beyond
[is_loaded] => Array
[common_lang.php] => english
[benchmark] => CI_Benchmark Object
[marker] => Array
[total_execution_time_start] => 1741870191.7017
[loading_time:_base_classes_start] => 1741870191.7017
[loading_time:_base_classes_end] => 1741870191.7644
[controller_execution_time_( Projects / _remap )_start] => 1741870191.7647
[hooks] => CI_Hooks Object
[enabled] => 1
[hooks] => Array
[pre_controller] => Array
[0] => Array
[class] => \core\hooks\ExceptionHook
[function] => SetExceptionHandler
[filename] => ExceptionHook.php
[filepath] => core/hooks
[post_controller_constructor] => Array
[0] => Array
[class] => \core\hooks\ActionFilter
[function] => run
[filename] => ActionFilter.php
[filepath] => core/hooks
[_objects:protected] => Array
[\core\hooks\ExceptionHook] => core\hooks\ExceptionHook Object
[\core\hooks\ActionFilter] => core\hooks\ActionFilter Object
[_in_progress:protected] =>
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[log] => CI_Log Object
[_log_path:protected] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/logs/
[_file_permissions:protected] => 420
[_threshold:protected] => 0
[_threshold_array:protected] => Array
[_date_fmt:protected] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[_file_ext:protected] => php
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_levels:protected] => Array
[ERROR] => 1
[DEBUG] => 2
[INFO] => 3
[ALL] => 4
[utf8] => CI_Utf8 Object
[uri] => CI_URI Object
[keyval] => Array
[rsegment] => Array
[3] => Array
[blue_action] =>
[uri_string] => projects/blue-action
[segments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => blue-action
[rsegments] => Array
[1] => projects
[2] => index
[3] => blue_action
[_permitted_uri_chars:protected] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[config] => core\third_party\MX\Config Object
[config] => Array
[base_url] =>
[index_page] =>
[uri_protocol] => REQUEST_URI
[url_suffix] =>
[language] => english
[charset] => UTF-8
[enable_hooks] => 1
[subclass_prefix] => MY_
[composer_autoload] =>
[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-
[allow_get_array] => 1
[enable_query_strings] =>
[controller_trigger] => c
[function_trigger] => m
[directory_trigger] => d
[log_threshold] => 0
[log_path] =>
[log_file_extension] =>
[log_file_permissions] => 420
[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s
[error_views_path] =>
[cache_path] =>
[cache_query_string] =>
[encryption_key] => Sheldon.42
[sess_driver] => files
[sess_cookie_name] => ci_session
[sess_expiration] => 7200
[sess_save_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/session
[sess_match_ip] =>
[sess_time_to_update] => 300
[sess_regenerate_destroy] =>
[cookie_prefix] =>
[cookie_domain] =>
[cookie_path] => /
[cookie_secure] =>
[cookie_httponly] =>
[standardize_newlines] =>
[global_xss_filtering] =>
[csrf_protection] =>
[csrf_token_name] => csrf_test_name
[csrf_cookie_name] => csrf_cookie_name
[csrf_expire] => 7200
[csrf_regenerate] => 1
[csrf_exclude_uris] => Array
[compress_output] =>
[time_reference] => local
[rewrite_short_tags] =>
[proxy_ips] =>
[modules_locations] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/] => ../modules/
[app_name] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_admin_title] => BilatUSA Admin
[app_title_postfix_default] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_title_postfix_admin] => BilatUSA 4.0 Admin
[app_title_postfix_login] => BilatUSA 4.0
[app_login_uri] => account
[app_default_uri_after_login] =>
[app_default_uri_after_logout] => account
[app_registration_uri] => account/registration
[app_auth_cookie_domain] =>
[app_exception_reference] => Array
[02000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 404
[description] => entity not found
[45000] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => unhandled user-defined exception
[45001] => Array
[http_status_code] => 403
[description] => permission denied
[45002] => Array
[http_status_code] => 405
[description] => operation not allowed
[45003] => Array
[http_status_code] => 422
[description] => validation error
[45100] => Array
[http_status_code] => 501
[description] => not implemented
[force_https] =>
[rest_default_format] => json
[rest_status_field_name] => status
[rest_message_field_name] => error
[enable_emulate_request] => 1
[rest_realm] => REST API
[rest_auth] =>
[auth_source] => ldap
[auth_library_class] =>
[auth_library_function] =>
[rest_valid_logins] => Array
[admin] => 1234
[rest_ip_whitelist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_whitelist] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist_enabled] =>
[rest_ip_blacklist] =>
[rest_database_group] => default
[rest_keys_table] => keys
[rest_enable_keys] =>
[rest_key_column] => key
[rest_key_length] => 40
[rest_key_name] => X-API-KEY
[rest_logs_table] => logs
[rest_enable_logging] =>
[rest_access_table] => access
[rest_enable_access] =>
[rest_logs_json_params] =>
[rest_limits_table] => limits
[rest_enable_limits] =>
[rest_ignore_http_accept] =>
[rest_ajax_only] =>
[global_action_filter] => Array
[0] => Auto_login
[1] => access_right\AccessRight
[from] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path] =>
[template_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[technical_staff_notification_enabled] => 1
[technical_staff] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc] =>
[is_loaded] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/application.php
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/rest.php
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/action_filter.php
[3] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/config/mail.php
[_config_paths] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[security] => CI_Security Object
[filename_bad_chars] => Array
[0] => ../
[1] =>
[3] => <
[4] => >
[5] => '
[6] => "
[7] => &
[8] => $
[9] => #
[10] => {
[11] => }
[12] => [
[13] => ]
[14] => =
[15] => ;
[16] => ?
[17] => %20
[18] => %22
[19] => %3c
[20] => %253c
[21] => %3e
[22] => %0e
[23] => %28
[24] => %29
[25] => %2528
[26] => %26
[27] => %24
[28] => %3f
[29] => %3b
[30] => %3d
[charset] => UTF-8
[_xss_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_hash:protected] =>
[_csrf_expire:protected] => 7200
[_csrf_token_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_csrf_cookie_name:protected] => ci_csrf_token
[_never_allowed_str:protected] => Array
[document.cookie] => [removed]
[document.write] => [removed]
[.parentNode] => [removed]
[.innerHTML] => [removed]
[-moz-binding] => [removed]
[] => -->
[ <![CDATA[
[] => <comment>
[_never_allowed_regex:protected] => Array
[0] => javascript\s*:
[1] => (document|(document\.)?window)\.(location|on\w*)
[2] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;)
[3] => vbscript\s*:
[4] => wscript\s*:
[5] => jscript\s*:
[6] => vbs\s*:
[7] => Redirect\s+30\d
[8] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?
[load] => MY_Loader Object
[originalLibraryName:protected] => exception_handler
[_module:protected] => projects
[controller:protected] =>
[_ci_plugins] => Array
[_ci_cached_vars] => Array
[_ci_ob_level:protected] => 1
[_ci_view_paths:protected] => Array
[/var/www/localhost/public_html/application/views/] => 1
[_ci_library_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[2] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/
[_ci_model_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/modules/projects/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[_ci_helper_paths:protected] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/
[1] => /var/www/localhost/system/
[_ci_classes:protected] => Array
[benchmark] => Benchmark
[hooks] => Hooks
[config] => Config
[log] => Log
[utf8] => Utf8
[uri] => URI
[input] => Input
[security] => Security
[output] => Output
[lang] => Lang
[loader] => Loader
[template] => Template
[parser] => Parser
[agent] => User_agent
[mail] => Mail
[asset_manager] => Asset_manager
[language] => Language
[model_binder] => Model_binder
[membership_provider] => Membership_provider
[user_account] => User_account
[table_structure] => Table_structure
[exception_handler] => Exception_handler
[format] => Format
[_ci_models:protected] => Array
[_ci_helpers:protected] => Array
[url_helper] => 1
[form_helper] => 1
[html_helper] => 1
[debug_helper] => 1
[editor_template_helper] => 1
[system_helper] => 1
[inflector_helper] => 1
[_ci_varmap:protected] => Array
[unit_test] => unit
[user_agent] => agent
[db] => core\database\drivers\mysqli\Driver Object
[dbdriver] => mysqli
[compress] =>
[delete_hack] => 1
[stricton] =>
[_escape_char:protected] => `
[return_delete_sql:protected] =>
[reset_delete_data:protected] =>
[qb_select:protected] => Array
[qb_distinct:protected] =>
[qb_from:protected] => Array
[qb_join:protected] => Array
[qb_where:protected] => Array
[qb_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_having:protected] => Array
[qb_keys:protected] => Array
[qb_limit:protected] =>
[qb_offset:protected] =>
[qb_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_set:protected] => Array
[qb_aliased_tables:protected] => Array
[qb_where_group_started:protected] =>
[qb_where_group_count:protected] => 0
[qb_caching:protected] =>
[qb_cache_exists:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_select:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_from:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_join:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_where:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_having:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_set:protected] => Array
[qb_no_escape:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_no_escape:protected] => Array
[dsn] =>
[username] => bilatusa4
[password] => :@=M>WdmSr6rs4H,
[hostname] => warehouse.emg.local
[database] => bilatusa4
[subdriver] =>
[dbprefix] =>
[char_set] => utf8
[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci
[encrypt] =>
[swap_pre] =>
[port] =>
[pconnect] =>
[conn_id] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => -1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
[client_version] => 50012
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 2
[host_info] => warehouse.emg.local via TCP/IP
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
[server_version] => 80041
[stat] => Uptime: 2839324 Threads: 5 Questions: 59819986772 Slow queries: 5638 Opens: 19442551 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 4000 Queries per second avg: 21068.390
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 3113865
[warning_count] => 9
[result_id] => mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 2
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 8
[type] => 0
[db_debug] => 1
[benchmark] => 2.8947603702545
[query_count] => 15
[bind_marker] => ?
[save_queries] => 1
[queries] => Array
[0] =>
select alpha_3, alpha_2, name, is_default, ifnull(alpha_2, alpha_3) subdomain
from language
where status = 'enabled'
[1] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[2] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[3] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[4] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[5] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[6] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[7] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[8] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[9] => call accessGranted ('GET','projects/blue-action',NULL);
[10] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[11] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[12] =>
select *
from project
where replace(acronym, '-', '_') = 'blue_action'
[13] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[14] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[query_times] => Array
[0] => 0.0050089359283447
[1] => 0.013893127441406
[2] => 0.0027329921722412
[3] => 0.00091791152954102
[4] => 0.00048613548278809
[5] => 0.00049996376037598
[6] => 0.00047111511230469
[7] => 0.00046801567077637
[8] => 0.00043392181396484
[9] => 2.862270116806
[10] => 0.0018379688262939
[11] => 0.0017220973968506
[12] => 0.0032830238342285
[13] => 0.00034403800964355
[14] => 0.00039100646972656
[data_cache] => Array
[trans_enabled] => 1
[trans_strict] => 1
[_trans_depth:protected] => 0
[_trans_status:protected] => 1
[_trans_failure:protected] =>
[cache_on] =>
[cachedir] =>
[cache_autodel] =>
[CACHE] =>
[_protect_identifiers:protected] => 1
[_reserved_identifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[_like_escape_str:protected] => ESCAPE '%s'
[_like_escape_chr:protected] => !
[_random_keyword:protected] => Array
[0] => RAND()
[1] => RAND(%d)
[_count_string:protected] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS
[throwException:protected] => 1
[exceptionReference:protected] => Array
[failover] => Array
[parser] => CI_Parser Object
[l_delim] => {
[r_delim] => }
[CI:protected] => CI Object
[agent] => CI_User_agent Object
[agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
[is_browser] => 1
[is_robot] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[languages] => Array
[0] => Undefined
[charsets] => Array
[platforms] => Array
[windows nt 10.0] => Windows 10
[windows nt 6.3] => Windows 8.1
[windows nt 6.2] => Windows 8
[windows nt 6.1] => Windows 7
[windows nt 6.0] => Windows Vista
[windows nt 5.2] => Windows 2003
[windows nt 5.1] => Windows XP
[windows nt 5.0] => Windows 2000
[windows nt 4.0] => Windows NT 4.0
[winnt4.0] => Windows NT 4.0
[winnt 4.0] => Windows NT
[winnt] => Windows NT
[windows 98] => Windows 98
[win98] => Windows 98
[windows 95] => Windows 95
[win95] => Windows 95
[windows phone] => Windows Phone
[windows] => Unknown Windows OS
[android] => Android
[blackberry] => BlackBerry
[iphone] => iOS
[ipad] => iOS
[ipod] => iOS
[os x] => Mac OS X
[ppc mac] => Power PC Mac
[freebsd] => FreeBSD
[ppc] => Macintosh
[linux] => Linux
[debian] => Debian
[sunos] => Sun Solaris
[beos] => BeOS
[apachebench] => ApacheBench
[aix] => AIX
[irix] => Irix
[osf] => DEC OSF
[hp-ux] => HP-UX
[netbsd] => NetBSD
[bsdi] => BSDi
[openbsd] => OpenBSD
[gnu] => GNU/Linux
[unix] => Unknown Unix OS
[symbian] => Symbian OS
[browsers] => Array
[OPR] => Opera
[Flock] => Flock
[Chrome] => Chrome
[Opera.*?Version] => Opera
[Opera] => Opera
[MSIE] => Internet Explorer
[Internet Explorer] => Internet Explorer
[Trident.* rv] => Internet Explorer
[Shiira] => Shiira
[Firefox] => Firefox
[Chimera] => Chimera
[Phoenix] => Phoenix
[Firebird] => Firebird
[Camino] => Camino
[Netscape] => Netscape
[OmniWeb] => OmniWeb
[Safari] => Safari
[Mozilla] => Mozilla
[Konqueror] => Konqueror
[icab] => iCab
[Lynx] => Lynx
[Links] => Links
[hotjava] => HotJava
[amaya] => Amaya
[IBrowse] => IBrowse
[Maxthon] => Maxthon
[Ubuntu] => Ubuntu Web Browser
[mobiles] => Array
[mobileexplorer] => Mobile Explorer
[palmsource] => Palm
[palmscape] => Palmscape
[motorola] => Motorola
[nokia] => Nokia
[palm] => Palm
[iphone] => Apple iPhone
[ipad] => iPad
[ipod] => Apple iPod Touch
[sony] => Sony Ericsson
[ericsson] => Sony Ericsson
[blackberry] => BlackBerry
[cocoon] => O2 Cocoon
[blazer] => Treo
[lg] => LG
[amoi] => Amoi
[xda] => XDA
[mda] => MDA
[vario] => Vario
[htc] => HTC
[samsung] => Samsung
[sharp] => Sharp
[sie-] => Siemens
[alcatel] => Alcatel
[benq] => BenQ
[ipaq] => HP iPaq
[mot-] => Motorola
[playstation portable] => PlayStation Portable
[playstation 3] => PlayStation 3
[playstation vita] => PlayStation Vita
[hiptop] => Danger Hiptop
[nec-] => NEC
[panasonic] => Panasonic
[philips] => Philips
[sagem] => Sagem
[sanyo] => Sanyo
[spv] => SPV
[zte] => ZTE
[sendo] => Sendo
[nintendo dsi] => Nintendo DSi
[nintendo ds] => Nintendo DS
[nintendo 3ds] => Nintendo 3DS
[wii] => Nintendo Wii
[open web] => Open Web
[openweb] => OpenWeb
[android] => Android
[symbian] => Symbian
[SymbianOS] => SymbianOS
[elaine] => Palm
[series60] => Symbian S60
[windows ce] => Windows CE
[obigo] => Obigo
[netfront] => Netfront Browser
[openwave] => Openwave Browser
[mobilexplorer] => Mobile Explorer
[operamini] => Opera Mini
[opera mini] => Opera Mini
[opera mobi] => Opera Mobile
[fennec] => Firefox Mobile
[digital paths] => Digital Paths
[avantgo] => AvantGo
[xiino] => Xiino
[novarra] => Novarra Transcoder
[vodafone] => Vodafone
[docomo] => NTT DoCoMo
[o2] => O2
[mobile] => Generic Mobile
[wireless] => Generic Mobile
[j2me] => Generic Mobile
[midp] => Generic Mobile
[cldc] => Generic Mobile
[] => Generic Mobile
[up.browser] => Generic Mobile
[smartphone] => Generic Mobile
[cellphone] => Generic Mobile
[robots] => Array
[googlebot] => Googlebot
[msnbot] => MSNBot
[baiduspider] => Baiduspider
[bingbot] => Bing
[slurp] => Inktomi Slurp
[yahoo] => Yahoo
[askjeeves] => AskJeeves
[fastcrawler] => FastCrawler
[infoseek] => InfoSeek Robot 1.0
[lycos] => Lycos
[yandex] => YandexBot
[mediapartners-google] => MediaPartners Google
[CRAZYWEBCRAWLER] => Crazy Webcrawler
[adsbot-google] => AdsBot Google
[feedfetcher-google] => Feedfetcher Google
[curious george] => Curious George
[platform] => Unknown Platform
[browser] => Mozilla
[version] => 5.0
[mobile] =>
[robot] =>
[referer] =>
[template] => core\libraries\Template Object
[_module:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_controller:core\libraries\Template:private] => projects
[_method:core\libraries\Template:private] => index
[_theme:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_path:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_layout:core\libraries\Template:private] => default
[_layout_subdir:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_title:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_metadata:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_partials:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_breadcrumbs:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[_title_separator:core\libraries\Template:private] => |
[_parser_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] => 1
[_parser_body_enabled:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[_theme_locations:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/themes/
[_is_mobile:core\libraries\Template:private] =>
[cache_lifetime:core\libraries\Template:private] => 0
[_ci:core\libraries\Template:private] => CI Object
[_data:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[mail] => core\libraries\Mail Object
[from:core\libraries\Mail:private] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => BilatUSA
[return_path:core\libraries\Mail:private] =>
[technical_staff:core\libraries\Mail:private] => Array
[address] =>
[name] => Technical Staff
[general_bcc:core\libraries\Mail:private] =>
[template_path:core\libraries\Mail:private] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/../template
[template_attachment_path:core\libraries\Mail:private] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/assets/content
[inline_attachments:core\libraries\Mail:private] => Array
[asset_manager] => core\libraries\Asset_manager Object
[assets_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => assets
[script_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => assets/js
[style_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => assets/css
[cache_directory:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => cache
[enable_bundling:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] =>
[enable_compression:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => Array
[css] => 1
[js] =>
[assets:core\libraries\Asset_manager:private] => Array
[css] => Array
[primary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[secondary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[js] => Array
[primary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[secondary] => Array
[remote] => Array
[local] => Array
[language] => core\libraries\Language Object
[map2to3:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[en] => eng
[hu] => hun
[available_languages:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[eng] => English
[hun] => Hungarian
[default_language:core\libraries\Language:private] => eng
[subdomains:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[en] => eng
[hu] => hun
[tld:core\libraries\Language:private] => Array
[eu] => eng
[com] => eng
[current:core\libraries\Language:private] =>
[model_binder] => core\libraries\Model_binder Object
[CI:protected] => CI Object
[httpMethod:protected] => get
[input:protected] =>
[processedInput:protected] =>
[isInputArray:protected] =>
[membership_provider] => core\libraries\Membership_provider Object
[validationResult:protected] =>
[user_account] => core\libraries\User_account Object
[encryption_key:core\libraries\User_account:private] =>
[current_user] =>
[table_structure] => core\libraries\Table_structure Object
[cache:core\libraries\Table_structure:private] => Array
[exception_handler] => core\libraries\Exception_handler Object
[format] => core\libraries\Format Object
[_data:protected] =>
[_from_type:protected] =>
[navigation] => Array
[main menu] => modules\navigation\libraries\Navigation Object
[ci:protected] => CI Object
[db:protected] => core\database\drivers\mysqli\Driver Object
[dbdriver] => mysqli
[compress] =>
[delete_hack] => 1
[stricton] =>
[_escape_char:protected] => `
[return_delete_sql:protected] =>
[reset_delete_data:protected] =>
[qb_select:protected] => Array
[qb_distinct:protected] =>
[qb_from:protected] => Array
[qb_join:protected] => Array
[qb_where:protected] => Array
[qb_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_having:protected] => Array
[qb_keys:protected] => Array
[qb_limit:protected] =>
[qb_offset:protected] =>
[qb_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_set:protected] => Array
[qb_aliased_tables:protected] => Array
[qb_where_group_started:protected] =>
[qb_where_group_count:protected] => 0
[qb_caching:protected] =>
[qb_cache_exists:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_select:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_from:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_join:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_where:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_having:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_set:protected] => Array
[qb_no_escape:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_no_escape:protected] => Array
[dsn] =>
[username] => bilatusa4
[password] => :@=M>WdmSr6rs4H,
[hostname] => warehouse.emg.local
[database] => bilatusa4
[subdriver] =>
[dbprefix] =>
[char_set] => utf8
[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci
[encrypt] =>
[swap_pre] =>
[port] =>
[pconnect] =>
[conn_id] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => -1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
[client_version] => 50012
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 2
[host_info] => warehouse.emg.local via TCP/IP
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
[server_version] => 80041
[stat] => Uptime: 2839324 Threads: 5 Questions: 59819986773 Slow queries: 5638 Opens: 19442551 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 4000 Queries per second avg: 21068.390
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 3113865
[warning_count] => 9
[result_id] => mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 2
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 8
[type] => 0
[db_debug] => 1
[benchmark] => 2.8947603702545
[query_count] => 15
[bind_marker] => ?
[save_queries] => 1
[queries] => Array
[0] =>
select alpha_3, alpha_2, name, is_default, ifnull(alpha_2, alpha_3) subdomain
from language
where status = 'enabled'
[1] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[2] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[3] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[4] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[5] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[6] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[7] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[8] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[9] => call accessGranted ('GET','projects/blue-action',NULL);
[10] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[11] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[12] =>
select *
from project
where replace(acronym, '-', '_') = 'blue_action'
[13] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[14] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[query_times] => Array
[0] => 0.0050089359283447
[1] => 0.013893127441406
[2] => 0.0027329921722412
[3] => 0.00091791152954102
[4] => 0.00048613548278809
[5] => 0.00049996376037598
[6] => 0.00047111511230469
[7] => 0.00046801567077637
[8] => 0.00043392181396484
[9] => 2.862270116806
[10] => 0.0018379688262939
[11] => 0.0017220973968506
[12] => 0.0032830238342285
[13] => 0.00034403800964355
[14] => 0.00039100646972656
[data_cache] => Array
[trans_enabled] => 1
[trans_strict] => 1
[_trans_depth:protected] => 0
[_trans_status:protected] => 1
[_trans_failure:protected] =>
[cache_on] =>
[cachedir] =>
[cache_autodel] =>
[CACHE] =>
[_protect_identifiers:protected] => 1
[_reserved_identifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[_like_escape_str:protected] => ESCAPE '%s'
[_like_escape_chr:protected] => !
[_random_keyword:protected] => Array
[0] => RAND()
[1] => RAND(%d)
[_count_string:protected] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS
[throwException:protected] => 1
[exceptionReference:protected] => Array
[failover] => Array
[rootNodeName:protected] => main menu
[rootNodeId:protected] => 1
[langAlpha3:protected] => eng
[navigationData:protected] => Array
[119] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 119
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => about
[url] =>
[label] => About
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[127] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 127
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/project
[url] =>
[label] => Project
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[128] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 128
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/consortium
[url] =>
[label] => Consortium
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[143] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 143
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/archive
[url] =>
[label] => Archive
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[130] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 130
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/results
[url] =>
[label] => Results
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[120] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 120
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => themes
[url] =>
[label] => Themes
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[131] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 131
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/marine-and-arctic-research
[url] =>
[label] => Marine and Arctic Research
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[132] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 132
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/nmp
[url] =>
[label] => NMP
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[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
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[133] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 133
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/health
[url] =>
[label] => Health
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[134] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 134
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/transport
[url] =>
[label] => Transport
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[148] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 148
[parent_id] => 120
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[url] =>
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[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[121] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 121
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[url] =>
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[142] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[135] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 135
[parent_id] => 121
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[url] =>
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[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
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[navigation_id] => 136
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[uri] => target-groups/companies
[url] =>
[label] => Companies
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[137] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 137
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/policy-makers
[url] =>
[label] => Policy Makers
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[138] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 138
[parent_id] => 121
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[url] =>
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[rank] => 5
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[122] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[123] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[uri] => events
[url] =>
[label] => Events
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
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[125] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 125
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[uri] => documents
[url] =>
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[126] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 126
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => media-kit
[url] =>
[label] => Media kit
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 7
[children] => Array
[124] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 124
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => funding
[url] =>
[label] => Funding
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 8
[children] => Array
[footer menu] => modules\navigation\libraries\Navigation Object
[ci:protected] => CI Object
[db:protected] => core\database\drivers\mysqli\Driver Object
[dbdriver] => mysqli
[compress] =>
[delete_hack] => 1
[stricton] =>
[_escape_char:protected] => `
[return_delete_sql:protected] =>
[reset_delete_data:protected] =>
[qb_select:protected] => Array
[qb_distinct:protected] =>
[qb_from:protected] => Array
[qb_join:protected] => Array
[qb_where:protected] => Array
[qb_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_having:protected] => Array
[qb_keys:protected] => Array
[qb_limit:protected] =>
[qb_offset:protected] =>
[qb_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_set:protected] => Array
[qb_aliased_tables:protected] => Array
[qb_where_group_started:protected] =>
[qb_where_group_count:protected] => 0
[qb_caching:protected] =>
[qb_cache_exists:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_select:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_from:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_join:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_where:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_groupby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_having:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_orderby:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_set:protected] => Array
[qb_no_escape:protected] => Array
[qb_cache_no_escape:protected] => Array
[dsn] =>
[username] => bilatusa4
[password] => :@=M>WdmSr6rs4H,
[hostname] => warehouse.emg.local
[database] => bilatusa4
[subdriver] =>
[dbprefix] =>
[char_set] => utf8
[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci
[encrypt] =>
[swap_pre] =>
[port] =>
[pconnect] =>
[conn_id] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => -1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
[client_version] => 50012
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 2
[host_info] => warehouse.emg.local via TCP/IP
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
[server_version] => 80041
[stat] => Uptime: 2839324 Threads: 5 Questions: 59819986774 Slow queries: 5638 Opens: 19442551 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 4000 Queries per second avg: 21068.390
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 3113865
[warning_count] => 9
[result_id] => mysqli_result Object
[current_field] => 0
[field_count] => 2
[lengths] =>
[num_rows] => 8
[type] => 0
[db_debug] => 1
[benchmark] => 2.8947603702545
[query_count] => 15
[bind_marker] => ?
[save_queries] => 1
[queries] => Array
[0] =>
select alpha_3, alpha_2, name, is_default, ifnull(alpha_2, alpha_3) subdomain
from language
where status = 'enabled'
[1] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[2] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[3] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[4] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[5] => select nodeId('main menu') as root_node_id;
[6] => call sitemap (1,'eng',2,NULL);
[7] => select nodeId('footer menu') as root_node_id;
[8] => call sitemap (3,'eng',1,NULL);
[9] => call accessGranted ('GET','projects/blue-action',NULL);
[10] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[11] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[12] =>
select *
from project
where replace(acronym, '-', '_') = 'blue_action'
[13] =>
select variable, value
from application_setting
order by variable
[14] =>
select replace(r.variable, 'contact.', '') variable, ifnull(, value) value
from reference r
left join geo_country c on c.country_id = cast(r.value as unsigned) and r.variable = ''
where r.variable like 'contact%' and value <> ''
[query_times] => Array
[0] => 0.0050089359283447
[1] => 0.013893127441406
[2] => 0.0027329921722412
[3] => 0.00091791152954102
[4] => 0.00048613548278809
[5] => 0.00049996376037598
[6] => 0.00047111511230469
[7] => 0.00046801567077637
[8] => 0.00043392181396484
[9] => 2.862270116806
[10] => 0.0018379688262939
[11] => 0.0017220973968506
[12] => 0.0032830238342285
[13] => 0.00034403800964355
[14] => 0.00039100646972656
[data_cache] => Array
[trans_enabled] => 1
[trans_strict] => 1
[_trans_depth:protected] => 0
[_trans_status:protected] => 1
[_trans_failure:protected] =>
[cache_on] =>
[cachedir] =>
[cache_autodel] =>
[CACHE] =>
[_protect_identifiers:protected] => 1
[_reserved_identifiers:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[_like_escape_str:protected] => ESCAPE '%s'
[_like_escape_chr:protected] => !
[_random_keyword:protected] => Array
[0] => RAND()
[1] => RAND(%d)
[_count_string:protected] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS
[throwException:protected] => 1
[exceptionReference:protected] => Array
[failover] => Array
[rootNodeName:protected] => footer menu
[rootNodeId:protected] => 3
[langAlpha3:protected] => eng
[navigationData:protected] => Array
[139] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 139
[parent_id] => 3
[uri] => contact
[url] =>
[label] => Contact
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[141] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 141
[parent_id] => 3
[uri] => newsletter
[url] =>
[label] => Newsletter
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[_data:core\libraries\Template:private] => Array
[application_settings] => Array
[description_eng] =>
[google_analytics_tracking_id] => UA-90640761-1
[google_site_verification] =>
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[address] => Záhony utca 7
[city] => Budapest
[company_name] => Europa Media Non-profit Ltd.
[country] => Hungary
[facebook] =>
[linkedin] =>
[postal_code] => 1031
[twitter] =>
[menus] => Array
[main menu] => Array
[119] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 119
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => about
[url] =>
[label] => About
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[127] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 127
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/project
[url] =>
[label] => Project
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[128] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 128
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/consortium
[url] =>
[label] => Consortium
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[143] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 143
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/archive
[url] =>
[label] => Archive
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[130] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 130
[parent_id] => 119
[uri] => about/results
[url] =>
[label] => Results
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[120] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 120
[parent_id] => 1
[uri] => themes
[url] =>
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[has_children] => 1
[rank] => 2
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[131] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 131
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[uri] => themes/marine-and-arctic-research
[url] =>
[label] => Marine and Arctic Research
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 1
[children] => Array
[132] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[parent_id] => 120
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[url] =>
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[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[133] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 133
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/health
[url] =>
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[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
[children] => Array
[134] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 134
[parent_id] => 120
[uri] => themes/transport
[url] =>
[label] => Transport
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
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[148] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 148
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[uri] => eu-us-projects-on-focus
[url] =>
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[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
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[121] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 121
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[142] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[url] =>
[label] => Universities, Research Organizations, Researc
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[136] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 136
[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/companies
[url] =>
[label] => Companies
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 3
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[137] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 137
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[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 4
[children] => Array
[138] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[parent_id] => 121
[uri] => target-groups/agencies-intermediaries
[url] =>
[label] => Agencies, Intermediaries
[is_active] =>
[has_children] => 0
[rank] => 5
[children] => Array
[122] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 122
[parent_id] => 1
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[url] =>
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[rank] => 4
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[123] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[url] =>
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[navigation_id] => 125
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[126] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 126
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[url] =>
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[rank] => 7
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[uri] => funding
[url] =>
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[rank] => 8
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[139] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
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[url] =>
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[141] => modules\navigation\models\NavigationItem Object
[navigation_id] => 141
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[uri] => newsletter
[url] =>
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[rank] => 2
[children] => Array
[overrides_array] =>
[auth_override] =>
[1] => index_get
[1] => Array
[0] => blue_action
[7] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/application/core/controllers/base/UI_Controller.php
[line] => 50
[function] => _remap
[class] => core\libraries\REST_Controller
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => index
[1] => Array
[0] => blue_action
[8] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
[line] => 514
[function] => _remap
[class] => core\controllers\base\UI_Controller
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => index
[1] => Array
[0] => blue_action
[9] => Array
[file] => /var/www/localhost/public_html/index.php
[line] => 293
[args] => Array
[0] => /var/www/localhost/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
[function] => require_once
[previous:Error:private] =>